Tuzla island conflict

No mercy, no shame, no tomorrow

The public execution of Yevgeny Prighozin and close associates encapsulates most spectacularly the way that Vladimir Putin exercises his absolute power - with no mercy, no shame, no tomorrow. As the invasion of Ukraine has shown daily over the past 18 months, the Russian president behaves on our 21st century screens like a monarch of past ages.

Russians lose, Putin surrounded?

Budanov claims to have "sources" close to Vladimir Putin.
"All future wars will look like this. In any country in the world. We can say that we are setting the trend," he told Reuters.
"Here we started in a completely different way. And now the Russians are losing the information battle," he added.

Russian Civil War: Putin threatened all those Guilty of Insurrection will Suffer Punishment

"What we see is a stabbing in the back of the state and the people". This was stated by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in a statement to the Russian people, world agencies reported.

The statement followed the actions last night and this morning by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of Russia's private military company Wagner.
