United Patriots

Bulgaria’s Ultra-Nationalist and Populist Parties Form Alliance to Run for July 11 Election Together

Ultra-nationalist parties VMRO and the National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria, along with populist Volya, have agreed to stand together in Bulgaria's July 11 2021 parliamentary elections under the name "Bulgarian Patriots", the parties announced on May 20.

Bulgaria’s Ultra-Nationalist Parties Mull Running for July General Election Together

Krassimir Karakachanov's ultra-nationalist VMRO party's executive met on May 13 to discuss options for its approach to the July parliamentary elections, including standing alone or in a coalition with like-minded formations.

Ultra-nationalist parties won no seats in Bulgaria's April 4 parliamentary elections.

Parliament’s Defence Committee Approved Contracts with the US for F-16 Aircrafts

Bulgarian Parliament's Defence Committee on July 17 approved the contracts with the United States for the purchase of the the F-16 fighter aircrafts with 13 votes in favour and 8 against, reports BNT. 

The decision was adopted with the votes of GERB, MRF and United Patriots without "Ataka". The opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and Volya voted against.

3 Parties Want a Machine Vote only for Presidential and European Elections

Deputies from GERB, "United Patriots" and "Volya" undertake a legislative initiative to change the Electoral Code, which proposes to abolish the possibility of a machine vote in local and parliamentary elections. The news was announced by the chairwoman of the legal commission and GERB member Anna Alexandrova at a briefing in the parliament, BGNES reported.

In Bulgaria, European Elections Only Confirm Status Quo

Bulgaria's elections bucked several perceived trends throughout the EU. For one, there was no Green wave. In Bulgaria, as in the rest of Eastern Europe, green parties remain a negligible force. As if to drive that point home, the youth climate-strike movement that mobilized many youngsters in various countries across Europe failed to make any headway in Bulgaria.

What are the Electoral Attitudes in Bulgaria Before the Start of the European Election Campaign?

A week before launching the election campaign, two sociological agencies published forecasts of electoral attitudes.

The study of the Trend Research Center was conducted between 5 and 12 April among 1008 people.
