Villa La Angostura

Weather in Bulgaria For The Weekend: Sunshine Followed by Evening Showers

During the night, skies will generally be clear and tranquil, with temperatures ranging between 5°C and 10°C, around 6°C in Sofia. Tomorrow's forecast predicts mostly sunny conditions, with cloud cover increasing from the northwest in the afternoon, although precipitation is unlikely.

February in Bulgaria: From -12 to +20 Degrees

The increase in the length of the day in February leads to an increase in sunshine and a decrease in gloomy days. Usually, the snow cover in the plains is short-lived, and the precipitation is little. Characteristic of the month is the great dynamics of the atmosphere, which is the reason for sudden changes in the weather.

Weather in Bulgaria will be even Warmer and Dangerously Windy today

The minimum temperatures today will be between 5°C and 13°C, and the maximum - between 14°C and 20°C.

It will remain windy, with a very strong southerly wind. Cloudiness will be more often significant and there will be rain in isolated places, mainly on the southern side of the mountains.

Weather in Bulgaria: Strong Wind Today, Temperatures up to 17 Degrees

On Tuesday it will be quite windy, with a moderate, in Eastern Bulgaria and north of the mountains - a strong wind from the south-southwest. The minimum temperatures will mostly be between 2°C and 7°C, in Sofia - around 3°C.

A yellow code has been announced for 27 regions in Bulgaria because of the strong wind, in some places the gusts are expected to be up to 20-24 m/s.