Weather forecasting

New Year's Day Weather Update: Overcast Skies and Varied Temperatures Across Bulgaria

As 2024 begins, Bulgaria witnesses a diverse weather forecast across its regions on January 1. The day dawns with overcast conditions, particularly in the Upper Thracian Plain, the Black Sea coast, and along the Danube, where low clouds or fog might be present before noon.

Much-awaited rain to bring respite from drought

Amid a severe drought following a scorching summer and unseasonably warm weather persisting across the country until the last month of autumn, weather conditions are beginning to shift with precipitation expected to affect many cities, primarily provinces in the Marmara and Aegean regions, the Turkish State Meteorological Service has said.

Bulgarian Meteorology Institute Stopped its Protest, there will be Weather Forecasts

The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology has stopped its protest, and weather forecasts for the media have been restored, BNT reported.

The director of the institute, Prof. Hristomir Branzov, explained that the reason was that their protest was beginning to become politicized.

Bulgarian Meteorology Institute with a Protest from Today: No Weather Forecasts

As of today, the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology is suspending the submission of weather information to the media in protest.

This was stated on BNT by the director of the institute Prof. Hristomir Branzov.

As of yesterday, NIMH has stopped submitting weather information on its website. Instead of the usual forecast, a protest message appears on the site
