
FYROM PM, Greek mayor get together for dinner

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is spending the New Year's holiday in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki as the guest of the city's mayor.

Zaev and Mayor Yiannis Boutaris dined Saturday night in one of the city's top restaurants, serenaded by a Macedonian band playing Balkan folk songs.

FYROM PM to spend New Year's in Greece

FYROM (Macedonian) Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will welcome in the new year in Thessaloniki with the mayor of Greece's second largest city.

The government in Skopje confirmed this on Wednesday, Beta reported.

Government spokesperson Mile Bosnjakovski said Zaev was invited to Thessaloniki by Mayor Yiannis Boutaris, and specified that the trip will be private.

Nimetz and Zaev

Greece's name dispute with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) has come back to the forefront, with a new series of talks under way in Brussels, headed by United Nations Special Representative Matthew Nimetz.
