Video Game Spotlights Energy Choices in Balkans

A group of civil society organisations gathered in the South East Europe Sustainable Energy Policy Program launched a video game version of the South East Europe 2050 Energy Model on Monday, as UN climate change talks open in Paris.

The goal is to make audiences in the region aware of choices about the energy and environmental development of their countries.

"This video game is a complete and professional Energy Model, based on realistic data, which have been gathered by a panel of experts and analysts during the past two years", Garret Tankosic-Kelly, principal of the South-East Europe Change Net Foundation, an organisation that is a partner of SEE-SEP, told BIRN on Monday.

The video game, available at this address, enables the player to change the energy policies of the various countries of the region, namely Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

The goal is cutting greenhouse gas, GHG, emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.

Part of the game, called the "SEE 2050 Carbon Calculator", presents the detailed impact of public policies on energy demand and supply and on the consequent GHG emissions per country.

"Informing the public about decisions regarding the future of their energy systems is extremely important. This energy video game is an excellent tool to explain a complex issue to the public in a simple and fun way", said Janez Kopac, director of the Energy Community for South East Europe, commenting on the SEE 2050 Energy Model.

The model could play an important role in presenting data and information about the energy sector in the region, which are not normally available to the public.

"Authorities in the region are very reluctant when they have to share this information. For the first...

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