Left In France With the Fluctuating Electorate

photo: BGNES

One-third of french voters - 34% - have not decided who to vote for weeks before the presidential election. This shows poll of the sociological service Odoxa, commissioned by the state radio "France Info". This is a record indicator in the history of modern France. Most are undecided voters in the camp of the three leftist candidates - sotsialistat Benua Amon, the leader of the movement "Next", Emmanuel Macron and the representative of the movement "Rebellious France," Jean-Luc Melanshon. In the camp of leftist voters undecided represent targets 43% this is higher by 11% than the average for the country.

The survey also showed that in this group is possible overflow in the last minute of votes from one to another candidate. The most decisive in their choice voters are the left and especially the candidate of the "National Front" Marine Le Pen - 87% of them answered that they would vote to say about it.

There is high support for the presidential candidate of the party "Republicans" Fransua Fillon - 80%. Fillon has a chance to take 10% of the electorate of Macron and six percent of Le Pen. The consultation took place on April 12th till 13th via the Internet with the participation of 1001 people, of whom 938 plan to vote. The first round of presidential elections in France is on April 23th, and the second on may 7th . 

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