Albanian FM in Washington: We are bastion against Russian influence


Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati, who is visiting Washington, says that his country has "the most developed democracy in the Western Balkans."

In addition, Bushati says that Albania is "a bastion against Russia's influence in Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Croatia."

However, he avoided replying when German Marshall Fund of the US President Karen Donfried asked him to explain Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama's statement about his country and Kosovo forming "a union" in case Tirana fails to join the EU.

Asked directly whether the unification of Kosovo and Albania would be the beginning of the formation of a "Greater Albania", Bushati replied:

"Albania has excellent strategic partnership with Kosovo. I cannot say anything more than that."
He also denied that there was such a thing as "the Tirana Platform" of Albanians in...

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