FYROM name talks hit an obstacle

Talks between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on the latter's official name, which had appeared to be in the final stretch, seemed to have run into problems on Friday, with a senior Greek government official saying that a deal was not likely to be reached in the coming days. 

"It seems that FYROM's side is not yet ready to respond to everything that was agreed in Brussels between the two foreign ministers. Therefore the possibility of an agreement in the coming days appears to be receding," the official said, adding that it was unlikely Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his counterpart Zoran Zaev would speak by phone in the next few days as planned. 

Responding, government sources in FYROM called for "a responsible political attitude of all people involved," adding, "We must not succumb to speculations right now." 

Earlier this week, Foreign...

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