Gov't braces for vote on Prespes deal amid tension

A second day of debate on the Prespes name deal is to culminate in a vote in Parliament late tonight with the government expected to secure ratification for the contentious accord.

Tensions are expected to peak with the speeches of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and conservative New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis in the afternoon.

There had been fears that the debate would stretch into the early hours of Friday morning as dozens of MPs have asked to speak. However, Parliament Speaker Nikos Voutsis stressed on Wednesday that the vote would be tonight, as scheduled.

The ND leader ultimately decided against bringing a censure motion against the government, Kathimerini learned on Wednesday, preferring to focus instead on developing his arguments against the agreement which he has repeatedly condemned as "harmful" for the country.

One of ND's key...

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