SYRIZA’s class warfare did not pay off

The reasons that led to ruling SYRIZA's big defeat in the European and local elections are numerous. They include the natural political fatigue after four years in power, the displeasure at the behavior of Alternate Health Minister Pavlos Polakis, the voter abstention, which mainly concerned disenchanted SYRIZA voters, the loss of voters who chose parties and initiatives to the left of the ruling party, and mainly toward MeRA25, the party formed by former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis.
However, there was also one more big mistake, which came at a national and social cost that surpasses political parties and elections, and that is the toxic class division of society between "us" and "them." It was preceded a few years ago by the equally wrong and unacceptable statement "Either we finish them, or they finish us." This division of the Greek people, which poses a dangerous...

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