"The night in Nis was awful, we have a new hotspot"

As Vucic told TV Pink, the previous night was the worst in terms of deaths.
"For us, the previous night was terrible, one of the worst so far, primarily because of what happened in Nis. People who underestimate this disease ... A disease like this was created to attack our parents", Vucic said.
He reiterated that the disease threatens to attack our parents, though it also attacks the young, pointing out that it destroys the organisms of older people, "Novosti" reported.
"The virus entered the Gerontology Center in Nis and wreaked havoc. There are more and more of the deceased from that gerontology center," Vucic said.
As he said, what happened in Nis is a disaster.
"Fortunately, the disaster happened in only one place. It had entered just a couple of another one or two institutions. There are thousands deceased in the United States, England, France."
"We need to show an awful lot of caution because it is not over", said Vucic.
"The numbers are dropping. We have a new hotspot, it's Negotin."
"More people have entered Serbia since the onset of the crisis with COVID-19 than in Romania, and Romania has a huge diaspora. You can map that at the places where the diaspora came, that's where we have the biggest problems," Vucic said. He reiterated that it is needless to say how bad it would be for us if we haven't imposed strict measures, it is enough to look at how it is elsewhere.
"Some celebrities accuse us of reporting that people died from coronavirus, even though that was not the cause of death. We are not hiding either the dead or the infected. We will not test a small number of people while our people are dying. Compare the number of dead in March last year and this year, you will see that there are fewer of...

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