While we vaccinate 450, they vaccinate 7,800 - Italian media report

In a fifteen-minute broadcast by Italian Mediaset, Italia channel 1, showed vaccination in Serbia and Italy.

Presenting the headline "Serbia, a vaccine paradise", journalist Gaetano Pecoraro pointed out the great differences between Serbia, which is not in the European Union and which has vaccinated 30% of the total population so far with at least one dose of vaccine, and currently vaccinating the population between 40 and 50 years of age, comparing it to Italy, European Union member with some 14% of the population vaccinated so far and incomplete immunization of people over 80 years of age.
The most attractive information pointed out about Serbia, is the possibility to choose a vaccine, as Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told them, "The government wishes for all people to feel safe", and that vaccines from Russia and China were ordered on time, thanks to excellent diplomatic relations Serbia has with these two countries.
The efficient organization thanks to digitalization was highlighted, enabling people to be invited to Serbia within 24 hours and no later than 10 days after applying for the vaccine, while in Italy people over the age of 80 have been waiting for an invitation for two months. So far, Serbia has received tens of thousands of calls from abroad, mostly from the region and from Italy and Austria, and everyone who applied through the relevant government portal will receive an invitation, the journalist pointed out.
Comparing the process of vaccination in Serbia and Italy, the process in Serbia works in a precise and smooth manner and that some 7,800 people are vaccinated on daily basis in the largest vaccination center, and at the same time some 450 people are vaccinated in the largest vaccination center in Milan.

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