"Serbia's water polo players as U.S. basketball players - breaking a record in Paris"

Udovicic emphasized that after two defeats in the group phase, things were not looking so good, and that the public was already talking about the fact that the water polo national team of Serbia is not at the required level.
"The impression is much stronger if we take into account that we lost two games in the group against Spain and Croatia. The rumor has it that the water polo players are not so ready. They won so many important games. After the group stage, we faced with a very difficult and complicated quarterfinal for us, where we showed dominance against Italy in mental and physical readiness, clearly showing that we aspire to defend gold", said Udovicic in the morning program of TV Prva, and continued:
"Many evaluated the match with Spain as the final before the final. Drama until the very end. The boys proved that they are mentally ready and there they showed that they can cope with a lot of pressure. And then came the final with Greece against which we always had a positive score. It is a dream for every athlete to play the finals and before that game it is important that you truly enjoy everything that that game brings. To show all the brilliance and what you have been preparing for years".
"Congratulations to Filip on being recognized as the MVP, along with Novak Djokovic, our best athlete. He was the best player in the world for five years and he took that epithet again at this tournament. All players showed that they are the brightest elite of our sport," said the former trophy water polo player.


Have you celebrated a title in Tokyo and in what way?
"I can't tell you that. It remains in the locker room and it is the tradition of our sport. It adorns not only our...

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