9th International Day of Yoga celebrated near Bosphorus

The Consulate General of India in Istanbul has organized the 9th International Day of Yoga in Sarayburnu Park, near the Bosphorus.

In 2014, the United Nations, with the contributions of 177 countries, including Türkiye, adopted June 21 as the International Day of Yoga.

In this context, the ninth International Day of Yoga was organized in cooperation with the Consulate General of India in Istanbul, the Istanbul Municipality and Spor Istanbul.

Indian Ambassador to Türkiye Dr. Virander Paul; Sudhi Choudhary, consul general of India in Istanbul; Mustafa Osman Turan, adviser to Istanbul mayor and retired ambassador; and Seçil Tanören, strategic partnerships manager at Spor Istanbul also attended the event.

Choudhary congratulated everyone who participated in the event. "Yoga originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and since then we have been sharing it with the world. Since 2015, International Yoga Day has been celebrated on this day, which also coincides with the beginning of summer. India's motion to recognize International Yoga Day received the support of a record number of member states, including Türkiye," Choudhary said during her speech.

"I am a regular yoga practitioner myself. Yoga keeps me fit and helps me cope with daily stresses. We, therefore, invite people of all ages and abilities from all walks of life to join in this celebration of physical, mental and spiritual health."

At the event held in Sarayburnu Park with a stunning Istanbul view, sports fans and yoga enthusiasts had the chance to come together. People of all ages, from young to old, participated in the event, where professional instructors demonstrated yoga movements practically. The event ended with giveaways of yoga books to participants and...

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