
It affects everyone’s lives

Large and destructive wildfires are showing us once again the importance of protecting the environment. It is no longer a theoretical issue or something that concerns a few scientists.

Attica has lost valuable forests in recent years. The effects of natural disasters have a direct impact on the economy, on tourism and on everyone's lives. 

Collaborating on cross-border wildfire research initiative

The Athens Observatory's Meteo unit, the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development and San Jose State University's Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center (WIRC) on Thursday signed a memorandum of cooperation to share know-how and engage in joint research on studying wildfires.

Heatwave to continue next week, some respite as of Thursday

The National Meteorological Service (EMY) said in an updated emergency weather report on Sunday said that the heatwave will continue mostly unabated until Thursday, when it will post a moderate decline.

Sunday's thermal surge prevailed throughout the country with temperatures reaching up to 45 degrees Celsius in Thessaly, central Greece.

US Congress approves funding for Elefsis Shipyards

The US Congress has approved financing through borrowing for ONEX Shipyards to carry out the consolidation plan for Elefsis Shipyards.

The US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), America's development bank, will provide the amount of $125 million.

This financing will be the first so far from DFC for Greece.

Impunity and abuses

Chronic impunity fosters and multiplies abuses of the law. There are many examples everywhere in the country.

Even when the law is enforced on paper, inaction in the execution of any decisions is interpreted as a blank check to continue with business as usual.
