Latest News from Greece

Nimetz Excludes 'Identity' Issues From Macedonia Talks

During his visit to the Macedonia, UN mediator Matthew Nimetz said that issues about [Macedonian] "identity" are not part of his mandate - and that he had not heard the Greek side denying the identity of the people who live in Macedonia.

Greece hires banks for seven-year euro bond

Greece has hired five banks for a euro bond that could come as early as next week, according to sources.

The sovereign has mandated Barclays, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, JP Morgan and Nomura for the transaction, which is likely to have a seven-year tenor.

Greece is rated Caa2 by Moody's, B by Standard & Poor's and B- by Fitch.

The banks declined to comment.

FYROM FM raises identity issue

In comments made to the media following talks with the United Nations mediator in the dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia over the latter's name, FYROM's foreign minister Nikola Dimitrov said citizens of his country had the right to call themselves "Macedonians."

Return to markets does not signal end of supervision, Parl't budget office says

Greece's plans to tap the international capital markets will not signal the end of foreign supervision for the debt-racked country, Parliament's State Budget office has said in its quarterly report.

"Tapping the markets does not mean the end of supervision, that is entering a situation without fiscal (and other) restrictions," the report said.

Outgoing EWG leader: only SYRIZA gov't really embraced reforms

Outgoing Euro Working Group Thomas Wieser has said that no other government has embraced economic reforms linked to Greece's bailout program to the extent that the current coalition led by leftist SYRIZA.

EUR 1500 Fine in Greece if you Smoke in the Car

Greece's health ministry has asked the police to stigmatize punishment for citizens who smoke in their cars or in the presence of children.

The request was made on the basis of the Law on the banning of cigarette smoking in public places. The law provides for a fine of 1,500 euros for everybody who smokes in his private car and 3,000 euros for smoking in an official or state car.

Police in Athens plan large-scale operation for Sunday's 'Macedonia' rally

The Greek Police are planning a large-scale operation for Sunday when a rally protesting the use of the term Macedonia in a solution to a longstanding dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia over the latter's name is expected to draw a large crowd with a counter-rally by anarchists expected to provoke some unrest. 

UN envoy launches name talks with FYROM officials

A United Nations envoy has started talks with the leadership of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) over ending a long-running dispute with neighboring Greece over the country's name.

Matthew Nimetz met FYROM's president Gjorge Ivanov in Skopje on Thursday and will also see government officials and party leaders.

Erdogan advisor threatens Greek officials not to set foot on Imia

In a further escalation of tensions in the Aegean, a chief advisor to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has issued a direct threat to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, his ministers and other Greek officials not to set foot on the islets of Imia whose sovereignty Ankara disputes. 

Residence permits may be extended

The Migration Policy Ministry may grant extensions to residence permits of migrants living in Greece due to a backlog of applications that has built up since its IT system broke down on January 18.

Sources said on Wednesday that a decision for an extension will be reached on Friday if the problem persists.

Costello: Greece to need significant foreign supervision, reforms for 10 years

Greece will remain under significant foreign supervision for several years and will need to continue economic reforms for another 10 years, the European Commission's representative Declan Costello has said.

The official made his comments during a speech before Dutch MPs in the Hague, Ta Nea reported.

Forging a common front

Recent events commemorating the Holocaust should make us think about the recent re-emergence of anti-Semitism in Greece as well as the rest of Europe. 

The phenomenon is in full swing and must be dealt with effectively. 

FYROM PM claims referendum would be guarantee for Greece

Ahead of Wednesday's arrival in Skopje of United Nations special envoy Matthew Nimetz, the prime minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Zoran Zaev, insisted that his country's plans to hold a national referendum over the name dispute with Greece would not be an obstacle to a solution but rather will serve as a guarantee of its permanence. 

Spanish hackers con Greek firm out of 10,000 euros

Spanish hackers are accused of swindling a company in northern Greece out of 10,000 euros using the so-called "Business Email Scam."

According to a police statement, the three suspects intercepted emails between the company and another firm.

Posing as representatives of the second firm, the hackers convinced the company to deposit money in their bank account.

Bulgaria Wants to Buy Gas From Israel

Bulgaria would be interested in buying Israeli gas if the EastMed pipeline connecting Leviathan to Europe is built.
