All News from Balkans

Eurostat to confirm the size of 2013 primary surplus

By Sotiris Nikas

Eurostat is expected on Wednesday to ratify the 2013 primary budget surplus, which will serve as the trigger for the further lightening of the Greek debt. The announcement will be the focus of Thursday’s Euro Working Group along with the presentation of a new growth plan for the Greek economy aimed at changing conditions in the country.

Cas Mudde: EU Far Right Has No Convincing Economic Program

An interview of with Cas Mudde, an assistant professor in the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia (USA), on far-right and anti-establishment parties in the EU and their outlook for the upcoming European elections.

Hundreds of thousands of social dividend applications

By Prokopis Hatzinikolaou

The Finance Ministry has been flooded with at least 225,000 applications for the «social dividend» benefit stemming from the 2013 primary surplus.

National bond issue already covered

 Share capital increase to be completed by May 10 for new shares to start trading by end of next month

By Yiannis Papadoyiannis

During a roadshow in London, National Bank officials have observed particularly strong investor interest in the lender’s 750-million-euro bond issue and the planned share capital increase of 2.5 billion euros.

Blue chips pave way for third day of bourse gains

The bourse recovery continued for a third consecutive day on Tuesday, as blue chips led the benchmark to gains of almost 1 percent in the first session after the Easter holidays.

Tunnel boring for Thessaloniki metro to resume after two years of inactivity

The two tunnel boring machines that are being used to construct the Thessaloniki metro are to start work again after almost two years, it was revealed on Tuesday.

The borers have dug 73 percent of the tunnel space needed to complete the metro and will now be transported to the end of the line so they can bore the remaining 27 percent in the reverse direction.

Greek leftists opt for ‘more suitable’ Euro Parliament candidate

SYRIZA confirmed on Tuesday, following some two weeks of deliberations, that Thrace-based Roma activist Sabiha Suleiman will not stand as a candidate with the leftist party in the May 25 European Parliament elections.

SYRIZA has opted for Oumit Mestan Osman, a member of the region’s Muslim minority, instead.

Enel applies to explore for oil and gas in Greece

Italy’s Enel has sought permission to explore for oil and gas in Greece, the Greek government said on Tuesday.

Enel has expressed interest in three onshore areas in the western part of the country, Greece’s Energy Ministry said, adding it would duly decide on the Italian company’s application.

Turkey's Turcas looking to buy gas from East Med's Leviathan field

Turkish fuel retailer Turcas said on Tuesday its gas unit has begun nonbinding talks with another company to jointly procure natural gas from the Leviathan field in the Eastern Mediterranean for Turkish markets.

American woman hurt by firework still critical

A 51-year-old American woman who suffered serious stomach injuries during Easter celebrations on Saturday night when a large firecracker was thrown into a church courtyard on the island of Santorini remained in critical condition on Tuesday in the intensive-care unit of a hospital in Iraklio, Crete, but doctors said her condition was improving.

Health authorities on alert over MERS virus

A 69-year-old Greek man who has been in the intensive-care unit of Athens’s Sotiria hospital since he tested positive for the potentially fatal MERS virus on his arrival in the Greek capital from Saudi Arabia last week was in a critical but stable condition on Tuesday night, doctors said, as health authorities remained on high alert to stop the virus from spreading.

Greece lines up tax cuts

Greece is set to ask its eurozone partners when the Eurogroup meets on May 5 for permission to gradually reduce corporation tax rates as part of a wider plan to generate growth in Greece, Kathimerini understands.

Death at Athens airport blamed on stress

Workers at Athens International Airport on Tuesday blamed tough working conditions for the death of a 52-year-old colleague hit by a bus carrying passengers from the departures terminal to a plane bound for Myconos.

New phone lines for appointments at polyclinics

Citizens can book appointments at polyclinics forming part of the streamlined Primary National Healthcare Network (PEDY) from Wednesday as a new telephone service is to start operating several weeks after EOPYY, which PEDY replaces, suspended its phone hotline.

Deputy PM Jovan Krkobabic dies

BELGRADE - Serbian deputy prime minister and minister of labour Jovan Krkobabic died after a grave illness in Belgrade on Wednesday at the age of 84, Tanjug learnt in the Party of United Pensioners of Serbia (PUPS).

Jovan Krkobabic also held office as the PUPS leader since 2006 as he was appointed for the position shortly after the party foundation.
