Assad government

The F-35 “rumor mill” is spinning after Israeli counter strike on Syrian SAM site

A day after Israel’s counter attack on a Syrian SA-5 surface-to-air missile site we are learning more about the incident, and unfortunately, some questionable outlets and commentators are spreading rumors that imply one of Israel’s F-35Is was the aircraft targeted by Syrian missiliers, and that the aircraft was damaged in the attack.

France Says Samples From April 4 Syria Chemical Attack Prove Government Used Sarin

Samples obtained by French intelligence show that forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad "undoubtedly" used sarin nerve gas in an April 4 attack in northern Syria, France's foreign minister said on Wednesday, citing a declassified report, Reuters.

US demands halt to Syrian regime's Aleppo bombing

The United States on April 30 demanded that Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad's forces halt their bombardment of the city of Aleppo and help restore a nationwide ceasefire, while nearly 30 air strikes hit rebel-held areas of the city on the same day as a temporary "calm" declared by Syria's military took effect around Damascus and in the northwest.

Russia and US agree on 72-hour cease fire in areas of Syria

Russia and the US have agreed to implement a temporary cease fire in the the suburbs of Damascus and areas around the city of Latakia, according to Russian news agency RIA. Surprisingly the agreement does not include the city of Aleppo, which was bombed 2 days ago by Syrian government air fighters killing tens of civilians, including children and doctors.

30,000 flee their homes in Syria, as battles intensify, says HRW in Syria

According to the Human Rights Watch (HRW), 30,000 civilians have fled the war to escape fighting between ISIS jihadists and other rebels in Syria over the past two days. HRW estimates that most of the civilians have left the surrounding regions in Aleppo on the borders with Turkey, where heavy clashes are in progress between ISIS terrorists and other rebel groups.

Turkey continues operation in east of country killing 114 kurds

According to Human Rights organisations over 200 citizens have been killed by Turkish military operation in the south-east region of the country, an area largely populated by Turkish citizens of Kurdish origin. The Turkish military has unleashed large scale operations in the area over the past days.