French police

Minister suspects child was abducted "to be sold"

Minister suspects child was abducted "to be sold"

BELGRADE -- Nebojsa Stefanovic says it is suspected that the French citizens who last week abducted a child in Belgrade were operating as part of a human trafficking ring.

According to the interior minister, the 2-year-old girl could have been taken in order to be "sold."

VIDEO: French-Armenian protester throws juice on Turkey's Paris ambassador

Turkish Ambassador to France Hakk? Akil was attacked with a cup of pomegranate juice by a French-Armenian protester on March 2.

The protester threw juice on Akil during his talk on ?Secularism in Turkey and France? at the faculty of law at Paris Descartes University. The attacker, who is not a student, was quickly detained by security.

People will defend own neighborhood against defenders of Molotov cocktails: Turkish PM

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has threatened oppositional parties over their criticism of a controversial security bill, saying people will defend their own neighborhoods and cities against those who "support the use of Molotov cocktails."

People will defend own neighborhood against defenders of Molotov cocktail: Turkish PM

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has threatened oppositional parties over their criticism of a controversial security bill, saying people will defend their own neighborhoods and cities against those who "support the use of Molotov cocktails."

Eight arrested in French probe into suspected jihadist network

French police on Feb. 3 arrested eight people suspected of involvement in a network that allegedly sent people to Syria to wage jihad, the interior minister said.
Bernard Cazeneuve told reporters the suspects were arrested around Paris and the southeastern city of Lyon.
