News Agency

Two assailants shot in attack on Istanbul police HQ

Security forces have shot two assailants during an attack on the police headquarters in Istanbul in which two policemen were injured, Do?an News Agency reported on April 1.

The assailants opened fire on police stationed at the entrance of the building in Istanbul's Fatih district with long-barreled weapons, the report said. 

Police informs prosecutor one year after Berkin Elvan's death

The Istanbul Police Department has finally sent the identities of the policemen suspected of shooting dead Gezi protest victim Berkin Elvan, a full year after the 15-year-old passed away following 269 days in a coma.

Elvan was shot with a tear gas canister during a police crackdown on protesters on June 16, 2013, and succumbed to his injuries on March 11, 2014.
