Nicolas Maduro

Thousands march against Maduro in Venezuela on day 50 of anger

More than 200,000 protesters took to the streets in Venezuela on May 20 on day 50 of an angry and sometimes deadly showdown with unpopular President Nicolas Maduro.

As with many of the previous marches in crisis-hit Venezuela, police fired tear gas as protesters in the capital of the oil rich country suffering from dire shortages of the most basic of goods.

Baby deaths soar amid crisis in Venezuela

Thousands of babies died in Venezuela last year, new official data show, highlighting the tragic impact of the country's economic crisis as political tension heightened with deadly street clashes May 10. The health ministry said deaths of infants under the age of one soared by 30 percent in 2016, a year when hospitals and protesters complained of severe shortages of medical supplies.

Women take on the fight against Maduro

Thousands of women dressed in white marched in Venezuela's capital on May 6 to keep pressure on President Nicolas Maduro, whose authority is being increasingly challenged by protests and deadly unrest.

Led by opposition leaders, lawmakers and Lilian Tintori - the wife of jailed opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez - the crowd carried flowers and placards denouncing "repression."  

Venezuela: 12 killed in riots

Twelve people were killed in Caracas overnight following two days of mass street protests against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s beleaguered government.
Six people were also injured in the escalating violence, the public ministry said in a statement on Friday. The latest figures raised the total number of deaths during growing protests to 20 over the past three weeks.
