Vuk Jeremic

Serbia's UN Candidate Wins Western Media Support

Days before the fifth vote in the UN Security Council for the post of Secretary General on September 26, Serbia's candidate, Vuk Jeremic, is winning support from important Western media outlets as the best candidate.

Despite the praise, a foreign policy expert for the Serbian newspaper Politika, Bosko Jaksic, told BIRN that Jeremic would probably not be elected.

Jeremic remains third in vote to select new UN secretary-general

NEW YORK - A fourth round of the vote to select the new UN secretary-general was held at the UN headquarters in New York Friday, with former Portuguese PM Antonio Guterres still leading the race as Serbia's candidate Vuk Jeremic remains in third position, but with two more encourage votes than in the previous round.

Serbia's candidate for next UN sec-gen presents his platform

Serbia's top UN job hopeful Vuk Jeremic presented his platform on Thursday in New York, as part of what the UN dubbed "informal dialogues" with candidates.

Jeremic's 80-page platform to reform the UN has five parts: sustainable development, climate change, conflict prevention and peace operations, human rights and humanitarian relief, and UN revitalization.
