Emergency management

Bomb detonated outside labor ministry

An explosive device was discovered in a backpack outside the entrance of the Labor Ministry on Stadiou street, central Athens early on Monday, after an anonymous call to Efymerida ton Syntakton newspaper at 1.20 a.m. warned that a bomb would go off after 40 minutes.

Bomb disposal experts were called to the scene and subsequently detonated the device in three controlled explosions.

Woman killed in Athens blast identified as mother of two

A woman killed in a gas explosion at a sandwich shop in downtown Athens on Thursday morning has been identified as accountant and mother of two Vassiliki Parastatidou.

Fire investigators say that the explosion on busy Victoria Square was probably caused by welders working in the shop who accidentally cut the gas line.

Que sera, sera in Turkey

"Que sera, sera" is how some of us are looking at current developments in Turkey: "What will be, will be." But in our case this only refers to a feeling of uncertainity, hopelessness and despair. The future is uncertain, not only for dissidents but also for the whole country, which stands on the verge of regime change. 

State of Emergency Terminated in Bulgaria's Bansko

The state of emergency in Bulgaria's town of Bansko has been terminated by order of the mayor Georgi Ikonomov.

The state of emergency continued for 24 hours and was declared due to heavy rainfall which caused the river Glazne to overflow.

On Wednesday, the Glazne river washed away three bridges, flooding a ski road and local entertainment facilities.

Radioactive substance stirs panic in Turkey's northwest

The discovery of a radioactive substance stirred panic in the northwestern province of Sakarya on Oct. 20, as a child was hospitalized due to purple-colored spots that appeared on his body. 

The 16-year-old child, identified only as Eyüp B., was hospitalized after playing with a metal object he found in a construction site in the Arifiye district.

Sirens to sound between 11 and 11.05 a.m. on Wednesday

Civil defense sirens are scheduled to go off across Greece Wednesday as part of the annual military and public defense exercise dubbed Parmenion, after the Macedonian general of Philip II and Alexander the Great.

The air-raid sirens will sound at 60-second intervals, starting at 11 a.m. and lasting until 11.05 a.m.
