Ermou Street

Family movies with a view

The Athens Open-Air Film Festival is launching its Xmas edition this year as part of the Christmas in Athens program coordinated by the Greek capital's municipal authority. On the last weekend of December, viewers are invited to snuggle up under blankets and watch classic family movies on a big screen in the open air with a view of the Acropolis in the background.

Burger Fest | Athens | September 20-22

DJs, live music acts and grill masters from all around the country celebrate the burger at the Old OSY Depot in downtown Athens. Admission to the event, which runs from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Friday and 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. over the weekend, costs 5 euros and includes a complimentary beer. Tickets can be purchased in advance at

Heavily-armed police to monitor busy tourist spots

Heavily-armed police officers are being stationed at key points of the capital, notably busy tourist spots, from Thursday in a bid to boost security.

The officers, whose ranks are to be boosted over the coming months, are being deployed in line with measures in European cities to avert possible crimes and terrorist attacks, Skai television reported.

Shopping and entertainment in downtown Athens

Shoppers stop to listen to one of several bands and one-man shows that entertained and amused the public on downtown Athens's Ermou Street off Syntagma Square on Saturday. Shops in many parts of Greece will stay open through the weekend - as they had done before Christmas - in response to the spike in business due to the holidays.

Police looking for clues after two bodies discovered in Athens, Thessaloniki

Police in Athens and Thessaloniki were looking for clues on Thursday with regards the identity and cause of death of two men whose bodies were discovered in unrelated circumstances.

In the capital, police on Thursday said they are investigating the death of a man who was found near the Thiseio ISAP railway station on central Ermou Street earlier in the day.

Bicycle race to disrupt traffic in Athens on Sunday

The 32nd Round of Athens gets under way from central Syntagma Square at 10 a.m. on Sunday.

The cycling event includes two 10-kilometer routes that will begin at the beginning of Ermou Street and a 5k route starting in front of the Parliament building on Amalias Avenue. All races end at Syntagma Square.

The office version of Airbnb

Short-term property leasing may be associated with furnished apartments and holiday homes through online platforms such as Airbnb and HomeAway, but the service is fast expanding into the office market as well, where needs are equally large and require flexible solutions.
