
UNESCO adds Turkey’s 8,000-year-old mound to its World Heritage List

A rich, 30-meter-high archaeological mound in southeastern Turkey dating back some 8,000 years has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Turkish Foreign Ministry has said.


The decision to add the Arslantepe Mound was taken during the Extended 44th UNESCO World Heritage Committee online session in Fuzhou, China, said a ministry statement.

Zeugma Museum's enchanting mosaics lure visitors

The world-famous mosaics in the Zeugma Museum, such as the "Gypsy Girl" mosaic, the "Mars statue," the Roman fountains and other unique mosaics unearthed during the rescue excavations in the villas on the Euphrates River, are being protected by a team of eight experts of Gaziantep Restoration Conservation Regional Laboratories in an effort to preserve them for future generations. (AA Photo)
