
Suspects accuse father of Aylan Kurdi of being human smuggler

Two suspected human smugglers being tried by a Turkish court over the death of several migrants - including toddler Aylan Kurdi, whose drowning shocked the world last year - have accused the father of the Syrian toddler of being human smuggler and using the boat at time of the incident. 

'The Soda Seller' out to please a diverse audience

Director and writer Yüksel Aksu has again taken us to a small town in the Aegean in his new debut, '?ftarl?k Gazoz' (The Soda Seller), a successful melodrama featuring children that have been a familiar picture in Turkish cinemaThere is something for all kinds of moviegoers in this week's new release, director Yüksel Aksu's period drama "?ftarl?k Gazoz" (The Soda Seller).
