Minsk II

Bulgaria, 15 Other Countries To Seek New Deal on Arms Control With Russia

16 European countries, including Bulgaria, will seek a new agreement with Russia on arms control, reported Reuters.

"European security is in danger," stated German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. "We need to have more conversations with Russia, not less,  no matter how complicated our relations are at the moment."

Ukraine: Peace at last?

The current ceasefire in the war in eastern Ukraine, the so-called Minsk-2 agreement, was signed last February, but they never actually ceased firing. At least a thousand more people have been killed in the fighting since then, and on one night last month (Aug. 14) the monitors of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) recorded 175 separate ceasefire violations.

Renewed Escalation of Fighting in Ukraine Violates Minsk Ceasefire - EU

In a statement of its spokesperson, the European External Action Service (EEAS) noted on Tuesday that the renewed escalation of violence in Ukraine violated the spirit and letter of the Minsk ceasefire.

The EU refers to the latest attacks on several areas controlled by the government near Starohnativka on Monday and Tuesday.
