Rafah Border Crossing

Aid enters Gaza under new deal as Israel continue strikes

Aid trucks entered Gaza from southern Israel yesterday through a new agreement to bypass the Rafah crossing with Egypt after Israeli forces seized the Palestinian side of it earlier this month amid heavy shelling in the southern region.

But was unclear if humanitarian groups would be able to access the aid because of ongoing fighting in the area.

Israel Rejects Hamas Truce, Cairo Negotiations Underway

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected a truce proposal backed by Hamas, citing its misalignment with Israel's demands. The announcement followed Hamas's endorsement of a specific ceasefire proposal, which Israeli negotiators deem insufficient compared to previously discussed options.

Canada to airdrop aid to the Gaza Strip as soon as possible

Canada is working to airdrop humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, a cabinet minister said Wednesday.

The confirmation that an active effort is underway comes after Canadian International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen said Ottawa was exploring new options to deliver aid.

There’s good reason to worry about Egypt

Ask almost any European official specializing in security matters what keeps them up at night, and they'll probably answer "Egypt." The crisis in the Middle East is most certainly threatening the stability of what is the most important country in the Arab world right now and everyone knows that if Egypt falls, the crisis this would spark would reverberate far beyond Greece or Italy, all the way
