Syria–Turkey border

Turkey's revisionist comments

Tensions between Athens and Ankara seem to be bubbling ever more furiously under the surface as a result of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's successive revisionist statements regarding the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne that defined the country's borders with Europe.

Turkish-Syrian Border Concrete Wall To be Completed in 2017

The construction of a concrete wall along the Turkish-Syrian border will be completed in the first half of 2017, stated Turkish Defence Minister Fikri Işık, cited by Daily Sabah newspaper.

At present, a section of 270 km of the border fence has been completed. The fence has to protect Turkey from migrants and suspected extremists entering from Syria.

Turkish jets patrol border as Syria cease-fire largely holds

Turkey was on Feb. 27 closely following a landmark U.N.-backed cease-fire in Syria that came into effect at midnight in the war-torn country.

Turkish Air Force F-16s continuously patrol the Turkish-Syrian border with the cease-fire largely holding amid reports of some minor clashes and attacks.
