
Weather in Bulgaria: Cloudy with Rains in the Afternoon and Max. Temperatures 10°-15°C

Today before noon, with a cold front approaching the country, the southwest wind will intensify and warm even more, but the clouds will increase rapidly. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the weather forecaster on duty from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology Hristo Hristov.

Severe weather front “Elpis”: Extreme cold and snow – All the details

The severe weather front "Elpis" is in progress and in the next few hours it is expected to bring rain, bitter cold and heavy snowfall all over the country.

According to the latest forecast models, local and temporary snowfalls are expected even in the lowlands, with a significant drop in temperature and frost in most parts of the country.

Weather in Bulgaria: Rainfall and Snowfall expected in the Western and Central parts of the Country

In many places in Western and Central Bulgaria there will be precipitation of rain and snow, almost no precipitation will remain in the extreme northwestern regions. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the on-duty weather forecaster from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) Hristo Hristov.

Weather in Bulgaria: Rainfall that will turn into Snow with Temperatures Reaching -1°C

Today, under the influence of a Mediterranean cyclone, which will pass south of the country, a precipitation situation will be created. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the weather forecaster on duty Hristo Hristov from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH).

Weather in Bulgaria: Mostly Cloudy with Max. Temperatures Between 11°C and 16°C

Today in the country will be mostly cloudy, in the plains and foggy weather is expected. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the weather forecaster on duty Victoria Kleshtanova from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH).
