

EU to press Turkey for help in anti-ISIL fight

New European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini was to meet Turkish leaders Dec. 8 for talks expected to focus partly on the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in neighboring Syria.

"The Syrian crisis is going to be one of the key issues on her agenda," an EU official told AFP on Dec. 8. Turkey's EU membership ambitions were also up for discussion.

Bulgaria 'Not Losing' over South Stream Demise

South Stream Bulgaria head Dimitar Gogov has downplayed recent comments that Sofia would suffer thousands of millions of BGN in losses after the gas pipeline project was suspended last week.

Gogov told private national channel bTV projected revenues would be EUR 448 M if South Stream had not been abandoned, but added the sum was not the country's profit, but general cash flow.

Davutoğlu’s Athens expedition: Will wishes come true?

The visit by Turkish Prime Minister Davutoğlu to Athens last weekend was very important in terms of number of ministers accompanying him, along with the number of members of Turkey’s business elite.  The delegation had gone there for “business,” as Davutoğlu stated in his speech at the end of the Turkish-Greek High Level Strategic Council.

Greece 'Counting on TAP, Southern Energy Corridor'

Greece perceives both the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and the Sothern Energy Corridor, the country's Deputy Prime Minister Evangelos Venizelos said during the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

Venizelos declared while at a Greek-Turkish business forum in Athens that the Southern Energy Corridor was "opening a new page in the relations between the two countries".

Half of transgender sex workers subjected to police violence: Report

A report drafted by a civil rights organization has drawn a picture of the plight of transgender individuals in Turkey, finding that half of all transgender women sex workers in the country have been subjected to physical violence from police. It also states that the murder of transgender individuals in Turkey amounts to 40 percent of the total number of such killings in all of Europe.

Turkey and the EU focus on ‘updated’ customs union agreement

The issue of updating the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU will be on the agenda of a visit from three EU officials to Ankara, sources tell HDN The issue of updating the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU to reflect Ankara’s concerns about the EU’s free trade agreements with third parties will be on the agenda of a visit from three high ranking EU officials to Ankara on Dec.
