
Crowds barbecuing on coast in Istanbul's Yeşilköy and Florya anger locals

Tension has risen in the upscale Istanbul neighborhoods of Yeşilköy and Florya, after crowds mostly of Syrian refugees have in recent days been flocking to the coast to barbecue. 

Residents of these neighborhoods in the Bakırköy district have been complaining about the noise and the trash left behind by crowds barbecuing on the coast. 

Police detain 38 people at protests over referendum result

A total of 38 people were detained in Istanbul over protesting the Supreme Election Board's (YSK) last-minute decision to accept unstamped ballots as valid in the April 16 constitutional referendum.

Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) provincial manager Mesut Geçgel is among those detained in an operation carried out by anti-terror police on April 19, daily Birgün reported. 

Three killed, 10 wounded as tent roof collapses in mosque in Istanbul

Three people were killed and more than 10 were wounded on Jan. 10 after the roof of a tent collapsed on to a mass attending a funeral ceremony at a mosque in Istanbul's Bakırköy district. 

A group of people were in a funeral prayer in the quad of the 5 Kısım Mosque in the Ataköy neighborhood when the tent's roof collapsed after being pressured by thick snow and striking storm. 

Istanbul's Bakırköy votes in favor of marina project in non-binding poll

A majority of voters have come out in favor of the construction of a large marina in the Ataköy neighborhood of Istanbul's Bakırköy district in a public vote, with the project in legal limbo amid support from the Environment Ministry but objections from the local municipality.