New Delhi


India temple fire kills over 100 people watching fireworks

A massive fire swept through a temple in southern India on April 10, killing more than 100 people after thousands gathered to watch an illegal fireworks display.
More than 280 others were injured in the fire that engulfed the Hindu temple complex in Kerala state, where crowds had built up during the night for a festival that boasted the fireworks show.

India's smog-shrouded capital pulls cars off roads

More than a million private cars were banned from New Delhi's roads on Jan. 1, as authorities began testing drastic new measures to cut smog in the world's most polluted capital.

For 15 days from Jan. 1, private cars will only be allowed on the city's roads every other day to try to reduce pollutant levels, which regularly hit 10 times the World Health Organization's safe limits.

7.2-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Tajikistan

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 on the Richter scale occurred in Tajikistan on Monday, with mild tremors felt as far away as the Indian capital of New Delhi and in northern Pakistan.

The epicenter of the earthquake was located 105 kilometres west of the town of Murghab, 136 kilometres northeast of the town of Khorugh and 349 kilometres east of the capital Dushanbe
