
OpenCalais Metadata: Ticker


Competition authority approves share transfer of Hyundai Assan

The Turkish competition authority has approved the sale of 30 percent shares of Hyundai Assan from Turkey's Kibar Holding to Hyundai Motor.

The South Korean automotive giant, the world's fifth-biggest auto group, was already holding 70 percent of stocks in the Turkish automotive company.

Car and pedestrian mobility drops significantly in Turkey

The number of people who drive cars and pedestrians on the streets in Turkey has declined significantly amid the coronavirus pandemic, Apple's new mobility trends reports have shown. 

The data compiled and made publicly available by Apple show the change in volume of people driving, walking or taking public transit in their communities across the globe.

STS implements advanced mobile location tech for 112 emergency line

The Special Telecommunications Service (STS) has implemented an advanced mobile location (AML) technology solution that allows geographic tracking of calls made to the 112 emergency line, exclusively during the emergency call. "The solution was implemented by the Special Telecommunications Service (STS) jointly with mobile communications operators and in partnership with Google and Apple.

Editorial: Time for five tech giants to shell out the money

The hour for a great redistribution of wealth has arrived.

The five American technological tech giants - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple should dig deep into their pockets and exhibit palpable solidarity with their global audience.

This is a moral duty because it is that global audience that embraced them, nurtured them, and led to their aggrandisement.

Apple is Ready to Pay up to $ 500 Million in Compensations for Intentionally Slowing Down the Older iPhones

Each iPhone owner whose work was deliberately slowed down by the manufacturer will receive $ 25.

Technology giant Apple is ready to compensate customers who are affected by the controversial and deliberate practice of quietly slowing down older iPhones as the company launched new models, to induce owners to buy replacement phones or batteries.

Apple to miss revenue target due to coronavirus

The smart-device giant Apple announced that its revenues are expected to underperform in the first three months of 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak in China.

Following the epidemic, Apple was forced to close its plants and several stores in the virus-hit country and this situation will constrain global iPhone supply temporarily, the firm said on Feb. 17.

Apple and Broadcom Fined $ 1.1 Billion

A Los Angeles court has ordered Apple and Broadcom to pay $ 1.1 billion to California Tech University for infringing on four Wi-Fi technology patents, AFP reported.

Apple was ordered to pay $ 837 million and Broadcom - $ 270 million, respectively, to the California Institute of Technology, believed to be one of the largest patent infringements in the United States to date.
