
Egypt's former President Mubarak dies aged 91 after surgery

Former President Hosni Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for 30 years, died on Feb. 25 at the age of 91 after undergoing treatment in intensive care following surgery.

The former air force officer will be buried in a military funeral but the timing was still unclear, a military source told Reuters.

Dark Spring

The so-called Arab Spring came to an end wherever it assumed to take place. It ended in Egypt with a military coup and drove Libya into a bloody chaos. Tunisia is presented as the only success story, but in fact it is far from having a happy ending but rather had a forced consensus. Last but not least, the debacle of Syria displays the dark side of the so-called "spring." 

At least 10 Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai

At least 10 Egyptian soldiers were killed and several injured when two suicide car bombers hit army checkpoints in northern Sinai on July 7, security sources said.

The two cars exploded as they passed through two checkpoints close to each other on a road outside the border city of Rafah, the sources said. No group claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Turkey overidentified with Muslim Brotherhood, says CHP after trip to Egypt

The Egyptian authorities say Turkey "overidentified itself with the Muslim Brotherhood," a main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) deputy has said after talks in Cairo.

CHP Deputy Chair Öztürk Y?lmaz said at a March 30 press conference that Egyptian officials are "uneasy with the language" used by Turkish leaders against the country.

Turkish FM slams Russia for killing 600 civilians in Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavu?o?lu has slammed Russia for killing more than 600 civilians in Syria since the latter started conducting airstrikes inside the country in support of President Bashar al-Assad late September. 

In a written statement issued on Dec. 21, Çavu?o?lu said Russian operations had killed more than 600 civilians, of which 150 were children. 
