Postal Savings Bank

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Petkovic writes to Lajcak over Pristina's police raid on Postal Savings Bank offices

BELGRADE - In a letter to Brussels's special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, the director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic informed the EU official of Pristina's recent police raid on the offices of Serbia's Postal Savings Bank in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo-Metohija.

Petkovic: Pristina's police raid on Postal Savings Bank offices aimed at causing chaos

BELGRADE  - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said a "Kosovo Police" raid on branch offices of Serbia's Postal Savings Bank in the north of Kosovo-Metohija on Monday was an escalatory move by Pristina aimed at causing chaos and unrest and abolishing Serbian institutions in Kosovo-Metohija and that Belgrade would inform all international representatives

Petkovic: Solution must include continued Postal Savings Bank operations in Kosovo-Metohija

BRUSSELS - For Serbia, it is important to find a solution in the dialogue with Pristina that will include continued operations of the Postal Savings Bank in Kosovo-Metohija, the head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said in Brussels on Tuesday.

3.6 million citizens applied for 100 euros: Here's when the first payments start

Jovic says that the payment of the aid of 100 euros to the pensioners is planned to be completed by Wednesday, and to the users of social assistance by Thursday, she told RTS.
For the weekend, the payment of 100 euros to pensioners began, who receive their income through the Postal Savings Bank, and it is about 950.000 pensioners.