

CHP applies to court to lift coverage ban on Mosul kidnappings

An opposition lawmaker applied to court on June 26 to lift the coverage ban imposed on the kidnapping of 80 Turkish citizens by Sunni militants in Mosul, Iraq on June 11.

Sezgin Tanrıkulu, deputy leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), made his appeal to an Ankara court citing in his petition his constitutional right for freedom of expression.

Kerry issues warning after Syria bombs Iraq

Syrian warplanes bombed Sunni militants' positions inside Iraq, military officials confirmed Wednesday, deepening the concerns that the extremist insurgency that spans the two neighboring countries could morph into an even wider regional conflict. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned against the threat and said other nations should stay out.

Tough decisions in Iraq for Obama

The struggle for Iraq’s soul is getting more intense every passing day. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which spearheaded the latest uprising from predominantly Sunni areas, has continued to advance towards the south, capturing new towns along the way to Baghdad. Last week, it took control of strategically located Qaim, Rutba, Rawa and Anah in the Anbar Province.

Iraqi PM Maliki rules out national emergency government

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on June 25 ruled out forming a national emergency government to confront a Sunni militant offensive that has overrun large parts of the country.

"The call to form a national emergency government is a coup against the constitution and the political process," Maliki said in a televised address.

US Military Advisers Arrive in Baghdad

US military advisers have begun arriving in Baghdad to help the Iraqi army in fighting against the Sunni insurgency.

A total of 300 US military advisers and troops are expected to be stationed in Baghdad. Initially they will not be involved directly in the fighting, but will carry out surveillance and plan the combat operations, Al-Jazeera reports.
