

Turkish construction sector expects 'dark days abroad' amid Russia crisis, oil plunge

The Turkish Contractors' Association (TMB) has said it expects a further slowdown in the construction business due to a rise in geopolitical risks, including deteriorating ties with Russia and economic problems in major Turkish markets that are dependent on oil revenue.

Obama calls for efforts to counter ISIL in Libya

U.S. President Barack Obama directed his national security advisers on Jan. 28 to counter efforts by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) to expand into Libya and other countries, the White House said.

ISIL militants have taken advantage of chaos in Libya to establish themselves in the city of Sirte, and they have carried out several attacks on oil installations this month. 

Libya parliament rejects UN-backed unity government: MPs

Libya's internationally recognized parliament on Jan. 25 voted to reject a U.N.-backed unity government, lawmakers said, in a major blow to international efforts to end the country's unrest.

"We voted against endorsing the government and ask... to be presented with another government," parliamentarian Ali al-Gaydi said.

Libyan Court Drops Charges against Two Bulgarian Seamen

A Libyan court has withdrawn the charges of smuggling of oil products brought last year against the crew of tanker vessel Sunoil, which included two Bulgarian nationals, the Foreign Ministry in Sofia announced on Friday.

The court in Tripoli has also ordered the release of the five members of the crew, which also included two Ukrainian citizens and one Romanian.

About 1,700 Migrants per Day Reached Europe by Sea Jan 1-14 - IOM

A total of 23,664 migrants arrived in Europe by sea in the first 14 days of the year, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has announced.

The total number translates into an average daily of about 1,700.

The first 14 days of 2016 also saw the year's first 59 fatalities in the Mediterranean between Libya and Italy, the IOM said.
