

Thailand Cave Rescue: Museum and Film in the Works

The cave complex in northern Thailand where 12 boys and their football coach were trapped for more than two weeks is set to be turned into a museum.

Rescue officials said the museum would showcase how the operation unfolded, predicting it would be a "major attraction" for Thailand.

At least two companies are also looking to make a film telling the story of the rescue.

Rescuers Begin 'Challenging' Final Push to Free last Five from Thai Cave

CHIANG RAI, Thailand (Reuters) - The first eight boys rescued from a Thai cave complex are in good health overall and some asked for chocolate bread for breakfast, officials said on Tuesday as rescuers began a third and more challenging final mission to free the remaining five.

Thai Cave Rescue Underway to Free 12 Trapped Boys and their Coach

The mission to free 12 boys and their football coach from the Tham Luang Nang Non cave site in northern Thailand is underway.

Thirteen foreign divers and five Thai Navy SEALs entered the cave at 10:00am (1:00pm AEST) on Sunday as dark monsoon rainclouds loomed over the mountains.

Thai Cave Rescue Volunteer and Former Navy SEAL Diver Dies

Mirror - A former Navy Seal working to rescue a dozen boys and their coach trapped in a cave in Thailand has died from a lack of oxygen, authorities have said.

Saman Kunan, a former member of Thailand's elite navy SEAL unit who was part of the rescue team in Chiang Rai, died around 1am on Friday morning.

'Couldn't have gone better,' Greece's gold sharpshooter tells Kathimerini

A few hours after Greece's Olympic shooting champion Anna Korakaki won the gold medal in the 10-meter air pistol competition at the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup Rifle/Pistol 2018, held in Fort Benning, in the United States, she spoke to Kathimerini about her achievement and in setting a world record.
