
Zambian president Sata dies in London

Zambia's government on Oct. 29 announced 77-year-old President Michael Sata had died in London of an unspecified illness, leaving behind questions about who will now lead the copper-rich African nation.
"It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing on of our beloved president," government cabinet secretary Roland Msiska said in an address to the nation.

Bozin Nikolic appointed new Serbian ambassador in Mozambique

BELGRADE - Bozin Nikolic has been appointed as the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia in Mozambique on a non-residential basis, with the seat in Pretoria.

At the same time, Goran Vujacic was dismissed as the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia in Mozambique and Zambia on a non-residential basis.

President Gül discusses Turkish hostages in Mosul with Foreign Minister Davutoğlu

President Abdullah Gül and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu held an unscheduled meeting on July 9 in order to talk about recent foreign policy developments, according to officials from the presidency. The issues on the agenda included the situation in Israel and Palestine, the Syrian crisis, and the Turkish nationals still held by militants of the Islamic State (IS) in Mosul.
