Cologne police

Hostage crisis in Germany: Armed woman broke into a hospital and barricaded herself

According to the first information of the police, there is an armed person who barricaded herself in the clinic.
The area is surrounded by heavily armed police with helmets, body armor and assault rifles, and the streets are closed. Special units from Cologne are on their way to the site.

Turkish nationalists, PKK supporters clash in Germany's Cologne

Supporters of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and a number of smaller groups clashed with Turkish nationalists on the streets of Germany's Cologne on April 10, prompting a police intervention and further clashes with the security forces. 

Some 24 people were detained while one man was seriously injured. 

Number of women assaulted in Cologne reached 400

Cologne police have said that the number of women claiming that they were assaulted on New Year’s Eve has risen to 379 with half of the cases reported involving crimes of a sexual nature.

Police said on Saturday that the number of cases reported to them had reached 379 and about 40 % of which involved allegations of sexual offences.

Germany shocked by mass sexual assaults on women in Cologne (pics+vid)

About 90 women have reported being robbed, threatened or sexually molested at New Year celebrations outside Cologne’s cathedral.

The police said the attackers were young, mostly drunk, men, describing the attacks as ‘a new dimension in crime’, as Reuters reports.