Doctors Without Borders

20 people killed in Syrian air raids in Aleppo (photos)

At least 20 people were killed, including three children and two doctors,  in the Syrian city of Aleppo, Thursday, during air strikes by Syrian fighter jets. The UN described the situation in the city as ‘disastrous’. The Syrian air force bombed civilian houses including a hospital where members from the organisation ‘Doctors Without Borders’ were working at.

Violent clashes in Idomeni: FYROM officers violate Greek territory and fire tear gas at refugees (pics+vid)

The tension accumulated over the past months in Idomeni erupted into violence on Sunday, when FYROM authorities responded to refugees protesting at Greek-FYROM border with tear gas, flash grenades and rubber bullets.

Desperation takes over in refugee camps – NGOs stop their activities

Refugees and immigrants stranded in Greece see their hopes to continue their journey to Europe fading away, while the living conditions in makeshift camp are getting worse.

In Idomeni tensions boil over, while the health of more than 12,000 refugees is deteriorating day by day. Moreover, several NGOs decided to leave the camp leaving the people with no medical care at all.
