federal government

We should stop imprisoning women. For anything!

Social sciences and institutions, private of public, have always played and will, no doubt, continue play a very important role in studying, researching and analysing trends in societies and proposing solutions or necessary courses of actions to move forward. But for all their hard work and dedication they sometimes miss the mark, by more than a mile.

A stinky matter: Canada’s cheese quota settlement upsets EU dairy farmers


Canada’s federal government has finalised the details of an additional import quota that will allow 18,500 tonnes of European cheese to enter Canada, but EU dairy producers aren’t happy. EURACTIV Italy reports.

The quota is part of the CETA trade agreement between Canada and the EU, which will enter into force on 21 September.

Bankrupt Air Berlin targets September sale

Insolvent German airline Air Berlin hopes to complete its sale by September, the group's chief executive said, as government officials fended off accusations of favoring Lufthansa in the bankruptcy process.

"We want to settle the sale in September at the latest, otherwise customers' trust in the airline will vanish," chief executive Thomas Winkelmann told newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

Australian government releases “guide” to dealing with terrorism

The Federal Government has released a “tool kit” for venue operators to assess the vulnerability of their site and better protect it against a potential terrorist attack.
It outlined a blueprint for “layered security” at venues, including CCTV, X-ray screening and physical barriers like bollards to prevent vehicle attacks at crowded places like shopping centres and sports stadiums.

Berlin to return 660 mln euros

Berlin wants to make a payment of 660 million euros to Greece, according to German media reports this week.

"The federal government is ready to pay a total of 660 million euros to Greece when it meets certain requirements," daily newspaper Die Welt said.

Citing the German Treasury, it said this amount concerns interest earnings on Greek bonds.
