
What if this power blackout happens on election day?

On June 7, just 67 days from now, Turkey will go to the polls in what many in Ankara regard as one of the most crucial elections for the future of the country. In a weeks? time, all political parties will have to submit their lists of parliamentary candidates to the Supreme Election Board (YSK) and will gear up their election campaign.

Turkey's GDP to rise to $25,000 under presidential system: Erdo?an

Turkey?s current $11,000 GDP per capita will rise to $25,000 by 2023 if the country swiftly adopts the presidential system, President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has said, claiming the development pace of the country has slowed down because of the plurivocality in the administrative system.

UNDP regional head lauds Turkey for its commitment to sustainable development

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) regional head of Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) has lauded Turkey for its commitment to sustainable development in the region, adding Turkey is one of the important partners in the region, particularly in the area of sustainable and inclusive growth.

Impact of bribery on growth is huge: OECD

The cost of bribery and its impact on economic growth is huge, Nicola Bonucci, head of legal affairs at the Organization for Co-operation and Development, said on March 6.

"What is clear is that whatever the sector we are talking about, the costs are huge," Bonucci said, speaking at the G-20 conference presided over by Turkey in Istanbul.

Turkish government denies resignation rumors about deputy PM Babacan

The timing of a lengthy meeting between Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu and Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan late Feb. 25 has led to speculation suggesting Babacan resigned from his post after President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an continued his criticism of the Central Bank.

Yet, Energy Minister Taner Y?ld?z ruled out such move.
