Greek Medical Association

Chief of Pan-Hellenic Medical Association: Surge in number of young COVID-19 patients, six deaths

In the aftermath of the uproar over tennis star Stefanos Tsitsipas' statement that young people need not be vaccinated, the president of the Greek Medical Association, Athanasios Exadaktylos, today said that the number of young people who have been hospitalised with COVID-19 or even died is on the rise.

3,500 Greek doctors fear for their future in the UK after Brexit

Thousands of Greek doctors living and working in Britain are sitting on pins and needles, following recent statements by the county’s State Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt that the foreign medical staff  employed in the National Health System (NHS) would be gradually replaced with British doctors.

Minister backs idea of doctors doing military service in remote parts

Defense Minister Panos Kammenos accepted on Wednesday a proposal made by the Greek Medical Association, which suggested that doctors can perform their military service by working on remote islands and other hard-to-reach parts of the country.

The association said that this would be a good way of tackling the shortage of medics in some parts of the country.