International Congress

Record arrivals in Athens in 1st 3-month period

The percentage of arrivals in Athens rose by 14% in the first 3-month period, according to data presented in a joint press conference by the city’s Mayor George Kaminis and the vice-President of Aegean Airlines, Eftychios Vasilakis. Athens achieved an all-time record number of arrivals in 2016 with 4,6 million travellers compared to 4.2 million in 2015.

Artist withdraws work from Contemporary Istanbul

Turkish artist Ali Elmacı has withdrawn a sculpture of his from the 11th Contemporary Istanbul art festival following an attack on it on Nov. 3.

Members of religious groups attacked the art fair late on Nov. 3 in protest over the sculpture that displayed the likeness of Sultan Abdulhamit, an Ottoman sultan known for his conservatism.

Bulgaria Hosting International Southeast European Studies Conference

Bulgaria's capital Sofia is hosting an international Southeast European studies congress from August 31 to September 4.

This has been the third time Bulgaria has ever organized the International Congress of South East European Studies - the last one having been more than two decades ago.

Nikolic patron of ICS Congress

BELGRADE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic conferred with the delegation of the International Committee of Slavists (ICS) to mark Serbia's four-year presidency in the science organisation which will be crowned by the 16th International Congress of Slavists in Belgrade in 2018.
