Nazi party

Police clash with anti-fascist protestors at 1913 battle memorial

Riot police clashed with a group protesting the presence of far-right Golden Dawn officials at a memorial to the victims of the 1913 Battle of Bizani, in Ioannena, northwestern Greece, on Tuesday.

The ceremony was organized to mark the city's 104th anniversary of liberation from Ottoman rule, in which the Battle of Bizani played an instrumental role.

Austria's far-right Freedom Party calls for ban on 'fascistic Islam'

The head of Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO) on Jan. 14 called for a law banning "fascistic Islam" and Muslim symbols, comparable to an existing law banning Nazi symbols, saying Islam could wipe out European society. 

Austria needs "a law which prohibits fascistic Islam," Heinz Christian Strache told several thousand supporters at the party's new year meeting in Salzburg. 

Former justice minister under fire for GD remarks

Opposition parties have accused ruling SYRIZA of turning a blind eye to the excesses of Golden Dawn after former justice minister Nikos Paraskevopoulos said in an interview in Sunday's edition of the Vradyni newspaper that the extreme-right party must be supported by democratic parties if it decides to embrace the rule of democracy.

Nazi General Committed High Treason To Stop The Reign of Terror in Croatia

BELGRADE - Many heroes' names line the pages of WWII history. Many of these men and women were not recognized and known to the public during their lifetimes - some were secret agents, some worked within underground resistance groups, and some conducted their plans hidden in plain sight, writes
