Osteoarchaeology Application and Research Center

Findings throw light on Istanbul’s wildlife history

Türkiye's first Osteoarchaeology Application and Research Center at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa (IÜÇ) has revealed important findings that throw light on Istanbul's diverse wildlife from 8,500 years ago.

Though Istanbul is famous for its cats and seagulls today, many species ranging from elephants to deer and vultures to loggerheads were found in Istanbul thousands of years ago.

Animal fossils in Istanbul shedding light on history

Turkey's only Osteoarchaeology Application and Research Center continues to shed light on Istanbul's past thanks to the large number of animal fossils and others that were discovered during the Marmaray diggingsIstanbul's Marmaray not only altered the face of Turkey's largest city, it also changed how the city looks at its own history.