Rural Development

Coffee, tea and spice imports down by nearly 9 pct in Q1

The value of coffee, tea (including mate) and spice imports has dropped by nearly 9 pct in the first three months of 2021, compared to the similar period of 2020, down to 57.36 million euro, according to the commercial balance with food products, consulted by AGERPRES. Last year, in the first quarter, the value of imports of such products exceeded 62.8 million euro.

Minister Oros: Romania loses 1 billion Euro per year in agriculture, because of PSD governing

Romania loses 1 million Euro per year because of the sickening way in which agriculture was shephered by the PSD (Social Democratic Party) governing, on Monday said the minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Adrian Oros, in the plenary sitting of the Chamber of Deputies, during the simple motion titled "Romania's agriculture is attacked by the most dangerous pest - minister Adrian Nechi

Romania cereal production in 2020,17 million tonnes, lower by 44% from 2019

The total production of Romanian grain cereal dropped this year to almost half from 2019, due to the prolonged drought which affected some agricultural areas in the country, reaching a bit over 17 million tonnes, according to the data supplied by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR), at the request of AGERPRES.

Price for pork 15 pct higher than compared to 2018 (association)

The price to acquire pork, the main raw material for producing Sibiu Salami, has grown by 15 pct over the last year, but the price for the final product registered an advance of under 10 pct, stated, on Friday, Carmen Gavrilescu, chair of the Association of Sibiu Salami Producers (APSS) in a press conference at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR).

Sibiu teleme cheese receives protected geographical indication in EU

Telemea de Sibiu, teleme cheese a la Sibiu, has become the seventh Romanian product to have its name entered in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications (PGI) of the European Union, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) reported on Wednesday.

Daea: We closed 11 files in agriculture, fishery; most important for Romania - unfair commercial practices

Romania has closed 11 files in the field of agriculture, rural development and fisheries in the six months in which it held the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, compared to four as originally proposed, and the most important file for the country was the one on unfair commercial practices, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Petre Daea told AGERPRES. presidency - new agreement with European Parliament on fisheries technical measures

The Romanian presidency of the Council of the European Union has reached another provisional agreement with the European Parliament in fishery, informs a press release of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR).
